Monday, November 30, 2009

Chanukah Fun for Everyone! Sydney 2009

What’s on this Chanukah- Sydney 09

Pre-Chanukah 'Israeli' Ladies night out! Tuesday eve December 8
Enjoy a night out, meet some new friends and get in to the Chanukah spirit!

EAT doughnuts and other holiday treats.. PLAY the "Sevivon" may be a lucky winner:)

Discuss the topic ' The maccabean Struggle-then and now! Learn about the spiritual war the Maccabes waged and how their legacy can live on through our actions.

Hosted by Iris Neuman 2/52-64 Birriga rd

Time: 8pm

Cost: $5

Please RSVP by December 4 email mob:0421484770

Ima Veani Chanukah party Thursday December 10

Come and join in the fun as we celebrate Chanukah with crafts,sufganyot,’dmei chanukah’ and menorah lighting for the little ones-ages 0-5 years at ‘Ima Veani’.

10:00pm-12:00pm at Rose bay playgroup O’sullivan road (entrance of the golf course) cost:$5 per family.

rsvp please by December 7 email or call/sms 0421484770.

Sunday December 13 Bondi Beach 3:00-4:30 Menorah craft and Chanukah party

Create and decorate your very own Menorah

Chanukah games and songs

Sufganyot and Chocolate coins..Yum :)

Children ages 3-9 @ 'Nefesh' 54 Roscoe st Bondi

Space is limited so please RSVP by 9 December by calling 93635543

Organised by Nefesh and Chabad for Israeli's

For more info: Shterny 0421484770 or Nechama Dina 0425309268

Sunday Eve December 13 Bondi Beach from 6pm.

Join Chabad for Israeli’s and Chabad of Bondi Beach for their grand Chanukah experience. All eight candles will be lit with a carnival environment featuring jumping castles, face painting and magicians and a BBQ

Monday December 14 Westfield Bondi Junction 6:30pm

Between 5:30-7:00 Westfield Bondi Junction will host Chanukah entertainment featuring sparkles the clown,face painting,live music by fascination and photo’s taken with Judah the Macabee.Dougnuts and Cahnukah gelt will be availale. The festival will take place on level 6 (next to the cinema)

Tuesday December 15 Steyne Park Double Bay from 4-9pm.

Carnival with rides,dodgems cars,BBQ,live music and dancing,bungee jumping and pony rides.The lighting of the Chanukah menorah will be followed by fireworks

Thursday December 17 Martin place 7:45pm.

Giant Menorah lighting, Menorah car parade, worlds largest chocolate dreidel,chocoalte gelt and raffle.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is Sunday evening, October 27 2009 with the fast beginning in Sydney at 5:37pm and finishing 6:33pm.

You are welcome to join us at ‘Bet Yosef’ 1 Penkivil st (corner of Old south head rd) with Kol Nidrei beginning at 5:45pm on Sunday eve & Neilah at 5:15pm on Monday eve.No bookings necessary. All welcome!

Sukkot is starting Friday September 30 so come and celebrate!

Sukkot in Luna Park! Public holiday Monday 5 October 2009

*A great family day out. *Park opens 11-6 pm *Large Lavender green Sukkah *Kosher food

Soup in the Sukkah’-Ladies night out! Tuesday 6 October 2009
Feel the warmth of the Sukkah at an evening of inspiration and song.

All women are welcome to Join together!

Time: 8:00pm

Location: 2/32 Warners ave

Please rsvp by sms 0421-484-770 or email

Thursday morning October 8 2009 :

‘Ima Veani’ ages 0-5, will be having a Sukkot party .

* Arbat Minim Hunt!* Snacks in the Sukkah!* Shake the Lulav and Etrog

*Arts’n’crafts *Storytelling.

Location: 214 Victoria rd Bellevue hill. Time: 10:30-12:00

Please rsvp by email or phone 0421-484-770

Wishing you a 'Chatima Tova' and an easy fast. Next year in Jerusalem!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shofar factory

In preparation for Rosh Hashana ,you are invited to craft your very own "Shofar"

Participants with appropriate adult supervision will help to cure, measure, saw, drill, and polish a real ram's horn to transform it into a working Shofar instrument. When the horns are complete, participants will learn how to perform the traditional sequence of notes sounded on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.

Each child will receive a special designed shofar bag as well!

Chabad's "Shofar Factory" will be held on August 30, at Dover Heights Chabad (cnr Blake and Napier st) The event cost $7.50 per person and is open to children and adults of all ages!

To reserve a place or for more info email or call 0421-484-770

Take care and Shana Tova

Shterny Dadon

Chabad for Israeli's Sydney

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tishrei Fun at Ima veani

Tishrei is just around the corner, join us at Ima veani and get in to the holiday spirit. For the next few weeks we will be having special craft activities for children ages 0-5. The schedule of activities are below. We will also have fun playing our usual games and singing hebrew songs together!

Please let me know if you and your little ones will be joining us by emailing or sms to 0421484770.

Time: 10:00-12:00
When: Thursday mornings
Location: Rose Bay playgroup O'sullivan road, entrance to golf course carpark

Hope to CU!

August 27

*Stamp the apple Activity
*Decorate a honey cup holder

September 3
*Decorate yummy fish cookies
*Make your own Bee bracelet to decorate your honey jar.

September 10
*decorate a Paper Shofar
*Sew your own Felt Shofar

September 17
*Decorate a Sukkah mobile
*Create a stained glass decoration for your Sukkah

September 24
*Make lots of Sukkah Decorations and Paper Lanterns `

October 1
*Make your very own Stuffed Torah
*Decorate a Simchat Torah flag
*Make your very own Stuffed Torah

October 8

*Sukkah party in a real Sukkah!
Create and eat an edible sukkah Creat and eat an edible sukkah

Sunday, August 9, 2009

CPR training for parents and carers 16th Aug 2009 9:00am-1:00pm

Woollahra Council’s series of Parent Information Sessions (PROPS) offers subsidised CPR training in the Woollahra Municipality.

The training, provided by Red Cross, will teach parents and grandparents how to resuscitate babies, children and adults as well as how to develop appropriate response measures in an emergency situation.

The CPR training session will be held at Woollahra Pre-School, 512 New South Head Rd, (Cnr New South Head Rd, William St & Sherbrooke Ave, enter via Sherbrooke Ave), Double Bay.

Cost is $35 per person (normally $70) and Childcare is offered at the preschool for $24 (+GST) per child. Morning tea will be provided.

For more information or to reserve your place, please contact Susana Rowbotham on 9391 7166.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Challah baking and Kabbalat Shabbat is back!

Challah baking and Kabbalat Shabbat is back!

From Thursday June 18 we will be making Challah and having 'Kabbalat Shabbat party' with the children at Ima veani so come and join in the fun.

Every Thursday morning, 10:00-12:00

Ages 0-5

@ Rose Bay Playgroup O’Sullivan rd (entrance to Golf course car park).

Monday, March 16, 2009

First Aid course-THIS THURSDAY March 19

This Thursday at Ima veani we will be offering a first aid course/overview (approx 1.5hrs)for parents of young kids. You will have the opportunity to learn about bleeding , chocking , fitting , not breathing , burns, and CPR for a infant and child (G-d Forbid)from a Hatzolah representative.

There is no cost involved however you are welcome to make a donation to hatzolah if you like.

Kids are welcome to come and play as regular.

C U Then!

Purim pics

We had a great time at our purim party, thanks to all of you who joined in the fun! please email me your pics and i'll post them up.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Purim FUN Sydney 2009

Thursday March 5 -Purim Party at Ima Veani-Rose Bay playgroup

*Dress up competition * Fun Parachute games * Shirei Purim * Oznay Haman * make your own Mishloach Manot and swap with friends

* Face painting * Purim crafts

*10:00-12:00 * For ages 0-4 years

Cost $5 per family

email Or call 0410348770 if you would like to join in the fun!

Monday evening March 9 2009

Chabad for Israeli’s invite you to celebrate

Purim in Morocco

The Purim Feast will feature;

o A Megillah reading to the ancient tune with a simultaneous slideshow about the Purim story;

o A sumptuous dinner featuring Moroccan delicacies;

o A multimedia trivia game;

o An exciting children's program

o A Raffle

o Music & dancing to authentic Moroccan music!

Time: 6:30-10:00pm

Place: Hakoah club

Date: March 9 2009

Cost:$20 per adult $10 per child $50 per family

To RSVP & for more details contact Rabbi Menachem Dadon 0404893770 or Shterny Dadon 0410348770

Chag Purim Sameach!

Sunday 8 March -Annual Purim Carnival at Kesser Torah College

*Rides *Fire & stunt show *Dress up competition *Craft workshops & much more!

Cnr Napier and Blake st Dover Heights

10:30-2:30 pm

Friday, January 30, 2009

Celebrate tubshvat at Ima Veani

Tu b'shvat party

Come and celebrate tubshvat at Ima Veani
Thursday February 12 at 10:00-12:00
Rose Bay playgroup-o’Sullivan rd

* Take home your own plant * Special craft * Songs and more!
Bring along one piece of fruit and a bucket and shovel!
Please rsvp by email or mob: 0410348770