Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yom Kippur services and times Sydney 2013

As we are soon approaching Yom Kippur, which will take place this Friday evening Sept 13, we would like to invite you to our Bet Knesset for the Tefillah services located at BET YOSEF 243 Old south head road, corner of Penkivil st. The entrance for our Bet Knesset is on Old south head road. Below is a list of important times.
Yom Kippur fast and service times:
Candle lighting and fast begins: 5:26pm
Kol Nidrei: 5:45pm
Shacharit: 8:00pm
Neilah: 5:15pm
Shofar and end of fast: 6:22
Sukkot in Luna park- Sunday Sept 22 2013 from 11-3pm
Celebrate Sukkot in Luna Park with discounted rides (print out attached flyer) Eat in the Sukkah, Shake the Lulav, BBQ and all regular rides and attractions.
For more info visit or contact Elimelech Levy:0433549190
Wishing you and your family a 'Gmar Chatima Tova' and an easy fast.
Best Wishes
Menachem and Shterny Dadon