Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hope alls well! 
Just confirming tomorrow Ima Veani is back tomorrow for. Pre Pesach Party and our last session for the term ( back April 27). 
EAT matzah SING pesach songs FIND the Afikoman and more ! 
9:30-11:30am @ Rose Bay Playgroup. $5 per family. Looking forward :) 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hope your well!

Reminder tomorrow Thursday (March 2) Shira Krauthammer- Sleep Consultant, Pediatric nurse, Parenting and Family counselor will Join us and lead a discussion(in Hebrew) on positive sleep behaviors for babies and children: A practical and experiential discussion: Shaping positive sleep behaviors, and dealing with challenging sleeping habits in toddlers and children ages 0-5 followed by Questions and answers. 
9:30-11:30 am @ Rose bay playgroup O'Sullivan rd. Talk begins 10:15. Cost $5 per family. 
Save the date NEXT thurs  Pre- PURIM 🎉 Party @ Ima Veani  march 9. Dress up in costume, Mishloach Manot,PURIM songs and more !!

Looking forward 