Sunday, February 21, 2010

Purim Parties Sydney 2010

Purim with Chabad for Israelim 2010

Purim activities for the Israeli/Hebrew speaking community of Sydney 2010

Thursday February 25 -Purim Party at Ima Veani-Rose Bay playgroup

*Dress ups * Fun Parachute games * Shirei Purim * Oznay Haman
* Make your own Mishloach Manot and Ra-ashan
* Mini Jumping castle *10:00-12:00 * For ages 0-4 years
*Bring along a kosher Mishloach Manot to swap with a friend!
Cost $5 per family Sms/call 0421-484-770 if you would like to join in the fun!

Motzei Shabbat February 27- Purim party ‘Beer and Bingo’ for adults

Megillah reading 8:45pm followed by a light Supper, music and Israeli themed bingo Game…Lots of
laughter and fun @ ‘Bet Yosef’ 1 Penkivil st (entrance old south head road)

Sunday February 28 ‘Purim in the Outback’ 2:30-4:30pm

Celebrate ‘Purim in the Bush’ with a live reptile show, Purim treasure hunt and fun outdoor games!
* Megillah reading * Dress up competition
* Purim crafts and stories * Mishloach Manot and Oznei haman
*Singing and dancing and lottsa fun for all ages!
*$5 per child @ Thomas Hogan reserve - Francis St,( off Simpson St .)
(In case of rain event will be held in doors at the old Betar building 255 old south head rd
entrance Francis st .)
Please Rsvp by Wednesday Feb 28.
Chag Sameach!!

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