Thursday, March 10, 2011

Purim Fun for the Israeli community Sydney 2011

Thursday March 17 -Pre -Purim Party at Ima Veani-Rose Bay playgroup

*kids come dressed up * Fun Parachute games * Shirei Purim * Oznay Haman

* Make your own Mishloach Manot and Ra-ashan

* Mini Jumping castle * Facepainting

*9:30-11:30am * For ages 0-4 years

*Bring along a kosher Mishloach Manot to swap with a friend!

Cost $5 per family

Sms/call 0410348770 if you would like to join in the fun!

Purim EVE Motzei Shabbat 19th March Megillah reading

Kids and adults are invited to a Megillah reading 8:30pm

@ ‘Bet Yosef’ 1 Penkivil st (entrance old south head road)

Sunday March 20 ‘Purim in Wonderland’ 2:30-4:30pm

Celebrate ‘Purim in wonderland' with a mind blowing show by Robert the 'bubble-olo-gist'

Purim treasure hunt and fun outdoor games!

* Megillah reading * Dress up competition * BBQ

* Purim crafts and stories * Mishloach Manot and Oznei haman

*Singing and dancing and lottsa fun for all ages!

*$5 per child @ Thomas Hogan reserve - Francis St,( off Simpson St .)

(In case of rain event will be held in doors at the old Betar building 255 old south head rd

entrance Francis st-across from the park .)

Please Rsvp by Wed 16th March

Sunday March 20 Purim Carnival at Kesser Torah College 10:00-2:00

Stalls, rides and shows for the kids. Cnr of Blake and Napier st Dover Heights

Chag Sameach!!

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