Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communal Seder Sydney 2014

Communal Seder Sydney 2014

You are invited to join us for the first night Communal Pesach Seder for Israeli families and Singles.
Delicious food- Singing- great spirit and great discussions!

Date: Monday eve April 14
Time: 6:30 pm start (5:30pm Mincha)
Place: Will confirm via email - Bondi location 
Cost: $40 per adult $25 per child ( ages 5-15 under 5 free)
Please contact us if you need assistance with the fee
Please RSVP by email or by contacting Shterny 0410348770 or 
Rabbi Menachem Dadon 0404893770
Payment can be made by cash or by bank transfer

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