Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pics from our Chanukah party today!

Welcome Debbi and Libby!! 

                                                           SUFGANYOT YUM!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whats on this Chanukah Sydney 2010

What’s on this Chanukah- Sydney 2010

Ima Veani Chanukah party Thursdays December 2 and 9

Come and join in the fun as we celebrate Chanukah with crafts,sufganyot,’dmei chanukah’

and menorah lighting for the little ones-ages 0-5 years at ‘Ima Veani’.

9:30-11:30 at Rose bay playgroup O’sullivan road (entrance of the golf course) cost:$5 per family.

rsvp please by email or call/sms 0410348770

'Chanukah in the city' Thursday Eve December 2 Martin place,Maquarie st 5:30pm

Giant Menorah lighting, Menorah car parade, acrobat show,chocolate dreidels for all,

chocoalte gelt and raffle. for more info contact

Giant Doughnut Menorah and Chanukah party

Sunday December 5 @ Oxford st Mall Bondi junction 2:30-4:30pm
Join together to light a giant doughnut menorah and then help eat it!
for more info contact

Sunday Eve December 5 Bondi Beach from 6pm.

Join Chabad for Israeli’s and Chabad of Bondi Beach for their grand Chanukah experience.

carnival environment featuring jumping castles, face painting and magicians and a BBQ

Monday December 6 Westfield Bondi Junction from 5:30pm

From 5:30pm Westfield Bondi Junction will host Chanukah entertainment featuring sparkles the clown,

face painting,live music by Hilton chilchik and photo’s taken with Judah the Macabee.

Dougnuts and Cahnukah gelt will be availale. The festival will take place on level 6 (outside Max Brenner)

Tuesday December 7 Steyne Park Double Bay from 4-9pm.

Carnival with rides,dodgems cars,BBQ,live music and dancing,bungee jumping and pony rides.

The lighting of the Chanukah menorah will be followed by fireworks

Wishing you a Chag Sameach!

Rabbi Menachem & Shterny Dadon

Chabad for Israeli's
