Thursday, March 21, 2013

Communal Seder Sydney 2013

You are invited to join us for the first night Communal Pesach Seder
for Israeli families and Singles.
Delicious food- Singing- great spirit and great discussions!

Date: Monday eve March 25 th
Time: 7:30 pm start (6:30pm Mincha)
Place: Will confirm via email - Bondi location
Cost: $40 per adult $25 per child ( ages 5-15 under 5 free)
Please contact us if you need assistance with the fee
facebook event:

Please RSVP by reply email by contacting Shterny 0410348770 or Menachem 0404893770.
Payment can be made by cash or by bank transfer

Some Pesach pics

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pre Pesach party

Reminder for Ima Veani Pre Pesach Party Tomorrow Thursday 14 March
Join together for some Pesach fun! songs, Matzah and crafts. Bring along a piece of fruit to share. Fun for ages 0-5 9:30- 11:30am @ Rose Bay playgroup Osullivan rd

This is our last session till term two resumes April 11.
Wishing u a happy Pesach.
Chag sameach Shterny